About Clients Fast
When I started my business, I used to send out 5-10 proposals a week. That is, until I won enough work.
Then I’d spend all my time working with my clients… until those projects started coming to an end, and suddenly I had to scramble to get new work again.
Trying to keep all the plates spinning in the air? It’s not pretty. And neither is the feast-or-famine cycle.
I found that the key to a thriving business is consistently bringing in new leads, and consistently following up with them. Easier said than done!
I always wished my business could market itself, so I could focus on doing the work I loved and serving my clients. And now, that’s actually possible.
I discovered a way to automate lead generation and followup, so I really can focus on just doing my work. I think it’s such a game-changer, I want to share it with you.
It works so well, we guarantee we’ll bring you booked appointments in 7 days, or you don’t pay. Read on to find out more.
At Clients Fast, we know that you want your business to thrive. You want to be known for what you do, and you want to have plenty of ideal clients coming your way.
In order to do that, you need a simple way to get new clients coming in for appointments. You also need an easy way to automatically follow up with all of your clients—new and old.
The problem is, it’s hard to keep up with followup when you’re busy doing everything else it takes to run a business. Unlike your client work, it doesn’t come with a deadline, so it’s easy to put off indefinitely. And even if you're diligent about staying on top of it, it can be hard to think of what to say when you reach out.
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with all of the many responsibilities on your plate, and frustrated that your business isn’t growing as quickly as you’d like it to.
If you do great work for your clients, we believe you should have all of the success and recognition that comes with being booked solid.
That’s why we offer a super simple system that automates followup and gets booked appointments for you. After years of struggling to keep up with my client work AND keep enough new work flowing in, I knew this system was exactly what I needed. I knew it could transform my business, and I want to share it and help you, too.
First, schedule a call with us.
We’ll give you a two-minute demo to show you how the system works, and make sure that it really is what you're looking for.
There’s no hard selling, and we promise we won’t call you on the phone and bother you. We only want to do this if it really is what you need. As far as we’re concerned, if it’s not a “hell yes,” it’s a no.
On the call, we’ll give you our specific recommendations for your business.
We’ll plan how we can get you booked appointments in the next 7 days.
If it’s a fit, you can sign up and we’ll start bringing you appointments right away. You don't have to pick up the phone, talk to anyone, or deal with any technical stuff. We handle everything for you.
Then, watch your business grow as appointments roll in!
And if you don't get at least 9 appointments in 7 days, you don't pay.
To find out more, click the button below and book a call with us today.
© 2023 Fire Lizard Studios LLC. Clients Fast is a trademark of Fire Lizard Studios LLC. All Rights Reserved